East Africa is home to many geographical wonders. One of the more interesting wonders is that of Ngorongoro (say that 5 times fast!) Crater and the surrounding area. Ngorongoro crater is a part of what is called The Great Rift Valley. "The Great Rift Valley is a geologic depression (rift) that extends from Syria in south western Asia to Mozambique in south eastern Africa. It takes the form of a series of valleys and bodies of water that are bounded by parallel fault lines. The Great Rift Valley is widening slowly but surely, in the process causing many volcanic eruptions and earthquakes in the area" (
http://georgengondo.hubpages.com/hub/About-The-Great-Rift-Valley-in-Africa) Ngorongoro is a caldera type of volcano that was created millions upon millions of years ago. An interesting side note is that it is here that is called the "seat of humanity" as the first species with a human genus was discovered not far away at the Olduvai Gorge.
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Above is a map of the Great Rift Valley. Ngornogor Crater is located along the Western Rift Valley.
Ngorongoro crater was created becasue two to three million years ago, a giant volcano exploded and collapsed on itself.
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Above is an image of Ngorongoro crater as seen from above. It can easily be seen in this picture how the volcano erupted and collapsed on itself.
The crater provides a home for many East African animals including zebra, wildebeast, lion, rhinceros, buffalo, elephant, leopard, and gazelle. In fact, while I was there, I managed to see several female lions take down a buffalo. It was very exciting.
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